Special Offer for Book Clubs

Make the most of your book club! Part of the charm of historical fiction and historical mysteries is that the represented world is different from our present day–and yet I believe that many of the challenges and strife that the Victorians faced have their counterparts in the 21st century.

​Historical research often feels like magic to me, and with every one of my books, it seems that the core idea for the book found me. In the course of my research, I read something or discover something that sparks a degree of astonishment or perplexity that I cannot ignore. Once I begin a book, I write and research in a way that reminds me of making  cake frosting … add a little milk … add a little confectioner’s sugar … then a little more milk … I’d love to share my insights and experiences as an author with you and your friends! 

Contact me at karen.odden@gmail.com to arrange a date for me to Skype or Zoom with your book club! For each of my novels, I will enhance and enliven your book club discussion with a full package of images and information about 1870s London, additional discussion questions not found in the back of the books, personal anecdotes from my writing journey for each of my novels, and a full question and answer session.